Mountmellick Community School
Green Schools Initiative 

Green schools is Europe wide project designed to encourage and acknowledge school action for the environment. It is both a programme and an award scheme which can be adopted by any school and awards will be given to schools which complete all essential elements of the programme. The award will be in the form of a green flag.

What does Green-Schools have to offer?

There are currently over 750 schools registered for the Green-Schools programme throughout Ireland, including Mountmellick Community School.  There are now 45 Irish schools proudly flying the Green-Flag!  Mountmellick Community School officially launched its participation in the Green Schools Awareness campaign during National Energy Awareness Week in 2000.  A student committee co-ordinated a number of themed events about ‘energy conservation’.  The week marks the start of the schools action programme to become Environmentally Friendly.

Written by Alan B.
